Your Website


The best kind of websites ...

The benefits of an evolving website are considerable. First let’s do a comparison in order to understand its nature.

On one hand, a static website ; on the other, an evolving website. The static website is designed, developed and put online, and, just to exaggerate a tad, that is about all. The evolving website is designed, developed, put online, and its contents, among other things, evolves, changes, grows over time. In a very broad way, one thus understands what a scalable website is. But it does not stop there ...

The advantages of the evolving type are irrefutable. The impact of such a website on your SEO is the most obvious, the content being king in this field today. Your advertising online marketing also benefits from this, a good Adword campaign, for example, needs to be supported by content often specifically added or modified. Moreover, a good website is a website that your customers and visitors need, one which they return to for many reasons, and before long such a website mutates into a huge project ; opting for the evolving type helps fulfill this kind of project by phases, which limits the cost initially, and allows one or more online deployments in a more reasonable delay.

Do an evolving website costs more? Hm, not necessarily. Certainly a true scalable website will, from various angles, be thought through in the early stages of its design, both at the actual graphical design step and that of strategic planning. It is therefore, in such a case, a project of greater magnitude, and requires a greater outlay right from the start.
Yet, any website can be scalable without a huge initial project in mind. It is day and night between a static site and a scalable one, so it is well worth forking subsequently in that direction.
Is it more expensive? Clearly, an evolving website requires the assistance of Cyboïde to help out and therefore can involve costs of after-sales service. However, an evolving website generates more money for your business, by far.

Have yourself a tailored website or opt for a Prebuilt and think evolving!